Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
United Kingdom
Organisation:  Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
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Weblink: http://www.ceh.ac.uk
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Organisation Outline:
The Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) is the one of the Centres and Surveys of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). It is the leading UK body 
for research, survey and monitoring in terrestrial and freshwater environments. CEH has 600 staff based at eight laboratory and field facilities throughout the UK. Each facility has it’s own web pages, accessible via a menu on the main CEH
site. Water research is directed at significantly improving understanding of the processes that determine water flows and water quality, in order to assist in
the sustainable management of catchments and their water resources. CEH water research focuses specifically on: - Linking the behaviour and fate of pollutants to the risk of ecological harm; - understanding the aquatic chemistry and organism function within catchments, in order to assess ecological pressures and impacts; - developing next generation methods for managing high river flows; - developing new process-based methods for assessing catchment design. Current research projects include Assessing surface-groundwater interactions in lowland chalk catchments; A predictive model foe assessing the effects
of steroid oestrogens; Remediating acid mine drainage in Cornwall. At CEH Wallingford research is carried out into the effects of land use, climate, topography and geology on the volume and character of water resources. The
Water Quality Division studies the processes that control surface water quality and the transport, fate and behaviour of pollutants, developing computer
models to provide tools for managing water resources and improving water quality. CEH can be contacted via an on-line enquiry form.